
You want to build a non-residential building

Our solutions for construction projects

Our solutions for construction projects

HQE Building under Construction

HQE Building under Construction improves the environmental, societal and economic performance of your buildings, increases their value.

HQE Sustainable Building under Construction

HQE Sustainable Building under Construction allows you to meet the objectives of the European Taxinomy, improve your ESG rating, SRI ...

Environment labels Family

Six labels attest to the performance of new or renovated buildings on the themes of energy, carbon or biodiversity with brands such as Effinergie, BBCA and Biodivercity.

OsmoZ Built and Ready2OsmoZ

OsmoZ Built evaluates the characteristics of the building that promote the well-being of users. The Ready2OsmoZ certificate recognizes that a new building certified HQE meets several requirements of OsmoZ Bâti.


A building must integrate digital issues, not just connectivity, if it wants to be protected from the risk of obsolescence. The R2S Label was designed for this purpose, in partnership with the Smart Buildings Alliance.

The design and build of any non-residential building today must address the challenges of major transitions with respect to climate, energy, digital technology, work patterns and finance, etc.

In view of this new situation, buildings must be sustainable. In other words, they must:

  • be efficient in terms of all key issues of public policy, CSR and green finance
  • anticipate regulatory and societal changes
  • be protected against the risk of obsolescence in a changing world.

Construction: new requirements and growing complexity

  • As a project owner or construction professional, you must incorporate the new rules, expectations and constraints that are transforming the real estate sector in each of your projects.
  • The requirements continue to grow. In France, the 2020 Environmental Regulation (RE2020) sets out four time horizons, 2022, 2025, 2028 and 2031, for reducing the carbon footprint of buildings and their energy consumption.
  • Non-residential buildings are becoming lower in carbon, more energy saving, more comfortable, more inclusive, smarter and more integrated locally, as the regions themselves become more sustainable.
  • This is true for all types of non-residential buildings around the world. The trend runs deep and makes all construction projects increasingly complex.

CERTIVEA, a trusted third-party at your side for your construction project

In view of such complexity, you need to have your buildings’ performance recognised by all of your stakeholders: clients, colleagues, future users, investors, public actors, insurance companies and rating agencies, etc.

We are able to meet your needs as a trusted third-party that denotes quality.

As a committed certification body, we can help you in France, Europe and worldwide to:

· respond to the new non-residential real estate and construction challenges;

· anticipate and incorporate regulatory and societal changes;

· manage the growing complexity of construction projects;

· and ultimately, make your building more efficient and sustainable.

Our solutions are adapted to all of your needs.

They take a comprehensive approach through HQE certification, alongside one that is more targeted, via dedicated labels:

· Our two HQE certifications for construction help you respond to the different sustainable development issues. They provide a structured and reliable road map for your project.

· Our three families of dedicated labels allow you to focus on the issue or issues that you consider a priority or differentiating factor for each of your projects.

HQE Building under Construction (HQE-B Construction) and HQE Sustainable Building under Construction (HQE-SB Construction) : what differences ?

These two certifications help you improve the environmental, societal and economic performance of your building, as well as the management and governance of your project.

They both fall within Alliance HQE-GBC’s “Sustainable Building” reference framework.

HQE Building under Construction covers 15 themes that are central to sustainable development: energy, water, waste, carbon, adaptation to climate change, health, comfort and project governance, etc.

HQE Sustainable Building under Construction adds 7 more themes to HQE-B Construction, which are central to the major transitions and public policies of the 2020s: circular economy, biodiversity, inclusive design, local economy and lifecycle analysis, etc.

HQE-B Construction is designed for all project owners. HQE-SB Construction covers more themes, which makes it more demanding. It primarily targets construction project owners looking to meet the European Green Taxonomy objectives and, more broadly, ESG criteria.


Do you have a construction project or do you have questions about one of the CERTIVEA solutions presented on this page?



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