
You work in the Real Estate or CSR Department

of a company whose business is not in property.
Responsable immobilier, RSE CERTIVEA

Our solutions to your needs

HQE Building Family

Improve the environmental, societal and economic performance of your buildings, increase their value

HQE Sustainable Building Family

Go beyond HQE Building, meet the objectives of the European Taxinomy, improve your ESG rating, SRI...

Environment Labels Family

Six labels attest to the performance of new or renovated buildings on the themes of energy, carbon or biodiversity with brands such as Effinergie, BBCA and Biodivercity.

OsmoZ Built and Ready2OsmoZ

OsmoZ Built evaluates the building's characteristics that promote the health and well-being of users. The Ready2OsmoZ certificate recognizes that a new building certified HQE meets several requirements of OsmoZ Built.
OsmoZ Label


A building must integrate digital issues, not just connectivity, if it wants to be protected from the risk of accelerated obsolescence. The R2S Label was designed for this purpose, in partnership with the Smart Buildings Alliance.

Real Estate and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) are two cross-cutting issues in all companies. Both must coordinate economic, environmental, human resources, organisational and image matters.

These issues are undergoing rapid and profound change under the impact of certain crises (Covid-19, etc.) and major transitions with respect to climate, energy, digital technology, work patterns and finance, etc.

Carbon neutrality, energy sobriety, quality of life at work and digital transformation are now priorities for all companies in all activities, particularly for their real estate projects and assets.

As work becomes increasingly hybrid, employees are seeking greener, friendlier spaces in their companies that restore meaning and value to life in the office, while promoting their health and wellbeing.


New ground rules in Europe and France

For construction, renovation and operation

Incentive and obligation policies for new construction and renovation

Major climatic, energetic, digital and societal transitions bring EU and member States to define and implement incentive and obligation public policies.

The European Union’s Green Deal seeks to redirect capital towards activities that are sustainable, to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Real Estate activities’ alignment with the six European Taxonomy objectives is already a key-issue for many players.

In France, three regulations are having a major impact on buildings under construction and the entire stock of non-residential property by bringing all public and private players to reduce energy consumption and carbon footprint : the 2020 Environmental Regulation (RE2020), the “Eco Energie Tertiaire” non-residential energy-saving regulation and the BACS Decree (Building Automation & Control Systems).

These three regulations are all designed to reduce the energy consumption and carbon footprint of buildings.

The France Relance plan offers financial support from the State for the renovation of public buildings.

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CERTIVEA is at your side for more efficient and sustainable buildings

Whether your business operates at regional or international level and whatever your business sector, its CSR strategy and its real estate strategy must be aligned.

Key issues include: meeting employee expectations (teleworking, health, inclusion and services, etc.), attracting talent, promoting collective efficiency and innovation, and reducing costs.

In the Real Estate Department, you need to have your buildings’ performance recognised by all of your stakeholders: Executive Committee, employees, banks, investors, public actors, insurance companies and rating agencies, etc.

We are able to meet your needs as a trusted third-party that denotes quality.

As a committed certification body, we can help you in France, Europe and worldwide to:

  • anticipate and incorporate regulatory and societal changes;
  • align your real estate projects with the European Taxonomy and ESG criteria;
  • manage the growing complexity of real estate projects;
  • and ultimately, make your buildings more efficient and sustainable.

Our solutions respond to the different real estate needs of all companies. They take a comprehensive approach through HQE certification, alongside one that is more targeted, via dedicated labels.

  • Our two families of HQE certifications help you address the various sustainable development issues for all your construction, renovation and operation projects.
  • Our three families of special labels allow you to focus on the issue or issues that you consider a priority or differentiating factor for each of your projects.
More about HQE