
You work in a Work Environment Department

Human Resources, or IT Department, or for a Facility Manager.

Our solutions in response to your needs

HQE Building family

HQE Building in Operation covers, depending on the axis, 13 or 15 themes that are at the heart of sustainable development: energy, water, waste, carbon, health, comfort, project governance, etc.
HQE Building in operation

HQE Sustainable Building family

HQE Sustainable Building in Operation adds 3 or 6 themes that are at the heart of public policies: circular economy, biodiversity, inclusive design, local economy...
HQE Sustainable Building in Operation

'Quality of Life' Labels Family

OsmoZ Aménagement proposes to act on the layout of interior spaces to improve the Quality of Life at Work, while OsmoZ Animation RH proposes to act on all the elements that make the quality of life in premises.
Quality of life Labels

'Digital' Labels family

R2S integrates digital issues for owners, operators and users of tertiary buildings. R2S-4GRIDS is the extension of R2S for the digital management of the energy performance of the building.
Digital Labels

Covid-19 crisis, transformation in working patterns and organisations, transitions in the climate, energy and digital technology and new employee aspirations, etc. How you respond to this new situation is directly linked to your company’s performance or, if you are a facility manager, to that of your client.

Support functions gain strategic importance when a company needs to become more efficient, more digital and more cross-cutting, needs to attract and retain talent or needs to invent new work methods, while also reducing its carbon footprint and energy consumption.

With the declining health crisis and rise in hybrid working, the work environment, human resources and IT departments of organisations are all on the front line when it comes to restoring meaning and value to life at work and making companies more agile, more innovative, more sustainable and more efficient.

Facility managers also play a key role in the transformation of their clients’ companies. Their activities focus increasingly on the wellbeing and satisfaction of the users of buildings. The performance of facility managers is not just financial, it must also now be societal, environmental and digital.

New regulatory requirements

All activities involved in the operation of buildings, the design of work spaces or the deployment of digital projects, whether in-house or outsourced, are central not only to performance but also public policy at national and European level.

The European Union’s Green Deal seeks to redirect capital to activities that are sustainable, with a target of carbon neutrality by 2050. The property assets of companies must also be aligned with the six European Taxonomy objectives.

In France, all buildings governed by the “Eco Energie Tertiaire” non-residential energy-saving regulation must reduce their energy consumption, all uses combined, by at least 40% by 2030, 50% by 2040 and 60% by 2050, compared to their consumption during a given year selected between 2010 and 2019.

Deriving from an EU regulation, the BACS Decree (Building Automation and Control Systems) requires the installation in non-residential buildings of systems to automate and control sources of energy consumption (heating, cooling, ventilation, hot water and renewable energy production).

CERTIVEA, a trusted third-party, is at your side for more efficient and sustainable organisations

Whether you work for a regional or international company or for a facility manager, whatever its business sector, you are at the crossroads of various societal, economic, digital and environmental issues that have organisational, human resources and property implications.

You need to have your contribution to your company’s performance recognised both internally and externally: Executive Committee, ordering parties, building users, banks, investors, insurance companies and extra-financial rating agencies, etc.

We are able to meet your needs as a trusted third-party that denotes quality.

As a committed certification body, we can help you in France, Europe and around the world to:

  •  improve the quality of life of your buildings’ users;
  •  incorporate or anticipate regulatory and societal changes;
  •  reconcile and coordinate a broad range of issues;
  •  and lastly, improve your company’s performance and efficiency.

Our solutions respond to all of your needs

Our solutions take a comprehensive approach through HQE certification, together with one that is more targeted via dedicated labels.

  • Our two HQE certifications – HQE B in Operation and HQE SB in Operation – for your buildings’ operation help you respond to the different sustainable development issues and provide a structured and reliable road map
  • Our dedicated labels allow you to focus on two differentiating issues: digital services with R2S and R2S-4GRIDS and quality of life of the users of your building with OsmoZ Interior Design and OsmoZ HR.

Differences between HQE-B in Operation and HQE-SB in Operation

Depending on the certification’s focus, HQE Building in Operation1 can cover 13 or 15 themes key to sustainable development: energy, water, waste, carbon, healthcare, comfort and project governance, etc.

Likewise, depending on the focus, HQE Sustainable Building in Operation adds three or six additional themes that are central to the major transitions and public policies of the 2020s: circular economy, biodiversity, inclusive design and local economy, etc.

HQE-B in Operation is designed for all companies, owners and tenants, as well as all facility managers. HQE-SB in Operation covers additional themes, making it more demanding. It is designed primarily for stakeholders looking to meet the European Taxonomy objectives and, more broadly, ESG criteria.

Quality of Life: OsmoZ Interior Design and OsmoZ HR

OsmoZ offers three courses of action: the building, its interior design and its motivational activities. It therefore contains three focuses: OsmoZ Build, OsmoZ Interior Design and OsmoZ HR, which can be pursued separately, in pairs or all together.

· OsmoZ Interior Design offers solutions for designing interior spaces that improve quality of life at work. It helps you offer your employees healthy, good-quality and user-friendly working environments that are aligned with changing work patterns and promote collective efficiency.

· OsmoZ HR offers solutions for all components that improve quality of life in the workplace: motivation, consultation, services, general rules and meeting user needs, etc.

It helps you energise the workplace and boost the sense of wellbeing and belonging, with the general aim of improving performance.

More about OsmoZ

Digital: Ready2Services and R2S-4GRIDS

Our family of dedicated Digital labels, developed in partnership with the Smart Building Alliance, helps you transform your non-residential buildings into smart buildings and improve their operational efficiency.

Ready2Services (R2S) incorporates all digital issues for owners, operators and users of non-residential buildings. R2S-4GRIDS (Ready-to-Services for Grids) is an extension of R2S for digitally managing a building’s energy efficiency