
6 families of solutions

3 families of HQE certifications and 3 families of special dedicated labels

CERTIVEA has created six families of solutions to provide a suitable response to each of your projects, whether in construction, renovation or operation, of a building or a land planning project.

We are committed to understanding your challenges and objectives and to inform you on the most relevant certification and/or label for your project.
We will then be available throughout the certification or labelling process to answer any questions from you, your consultants or your design offices.
We place great importance on direct dialogue with our clients, their consultants and design offices. This is a key feature that sets us apart from other certification bodies, particularly our Anglo-Saxon counterparts

Three families of HQE certifications

CERTIVEA is a long-standing and exclusive partner of Alliance HQE-GBC France (Green Building Council).
HQE Building (HQE-B) and HQE Sustainable Building (HQE-SB), our two new families of solutions, , launched in June 2022, offer certifications for all types of non-residential buildings in all business sectors: offices, retail, warehouse, hotel, childcare centre, school, campus, museum, library, etc.
Hospitals and residential care homes will be added to this list of buildings by end-2022.
HQE Sustainable Territories, the third family, goes beyond buildings, to cover neighbourhoods, towns, cities, regions and the infrastructure deployed there.

HQE Building Family

Improving your buildings’ environmental, societal and economic performance and enhancing their value.
HQE Building

HQE Sustainable Building Family

Going beyond HQE Building, complying with the European Taxonomy objectives, improving your ESG and SRI scores, etc..
HQE Sustainable Building

HQE Sustainable Territories Family

Improves the environmental, societal and economic performance of your infrastructure or urban planning projects.
HQE Sustainable Territories

Three families of dedicated labels

Labels help non-residential real estate players to valorise the performances of their buildings on a few specific themes, unlike HQE Certification that deal with many more themes covering all dimensions of sustainability.

Environment labels family

Six labels testify of the performances of buildings in construction or renovation on the themes of energy, carbon or biodiversity with brands such as Effinergie, BBCA and Biodiversity.
Labels dedicated to Environment

Quality of life labels family

OsmoZ Built, OsmoZ Interior Design and OsmoZ HR evaluate the building's characteristics that promote the health and well-being of users. The Accessibility label, designed with Handigo, values the use by all.
Labels dedicated to Quality of Life

Digital labels family

Today a building must address all digital challenges if it wants to be protected against accelerated obsolescence. The R2S Label has been conceived with this goal, in partnership with the SBA.
Smart Building Labels

Our clients generally seek labelling for two types of situations

Situation n°1

A client has designed a real estate project to reach a high level of performance in one specific area, such as energy consumption. The client is only seeking endorsement in this area, rather than applying for HQE certification or because the project does not qualify for HQE certification.

Situation n°2

The client wants to underline the high performance of its building for one specific theme, while also seeking HQE Building or HQE Sustainable Building certification, aware that the certification sought already covers the requirements for this theme.
We have introduced pathways between HQE certification and some labels to take these common requirements into consideration.

Our solutions offer cross-cutting services

  • We offer different types of services: training courses, events, digital and communication tools, etc..
  • We offer training programmes in France and abroad on our technical schemes and the themes they address. We recommend as coordinators, professionals who participate in these training courses and are well acquainted with our schemes.
  • We also offer our clients a new digital platform, ISIA-2, for managing their certification applications online, along with new marking systems for circulating information about the projects we have certified or labelled.
  • We are also more broadly committed to building communities of professionals who share our goal of making buildings and land developments sustainable, by means of various events and studies.