Accessibility Label

The Accessibility label delivered by CERTIVEA is designed for companies (Property, Work Environment, Human Resources and CSR Departments), public actors, as well as property companies, developers and investors seeking to promote and have their buildings’ accessibility and usability performance recognised by everyone.
Accessibility is the only label of its type, anticipating changes in society (ageing, etc.).
It improves the reception, movement, comfort and safety of all users of buildings, whatever their capacity, particularly pregnant women, elderly people and those with a permanent or temporary disability (crutches following an accident, etc.).
It helps the various categories of property stakeholders make all non-residential buildings more inclusive (offices, retail outlets and hotels, etc.), whether they are under construction, in renovation or in operation. Its scope does not include health establishments and sports buildings.
Accessibility can be sought for a year or for three or five-year cycles. Its scheme was developed by CERTIVEA and the Handigo architectural agency.
Accessibility : When ? How ? What cost ? What score ?
Recommended phase for labelling entry
Possible labelling entry in design, execution or operation phases
Contact with a Referent recognised by CERTIVEA
- Recommended to use an expert well-acquainted with the label requirements
- 6 professionals are Accessibility Referents (number at 01-01-2022).
Contact with CERTIVEA during the labelling process
Contact with your CERTIVEA representative by e-mail or phone
Scoring scale
Three possible scores for labelled buildings: A, AA or AAA
Communication on labelling
- Communication may be circulated on the labelling in progress
- At the end of the process, information may be circulated, with no time limit, on the label issued by CERTIVEA, indicating the year obtained
Amount paid to CERTIVEA for the labelling process
- Depends on project and total surface area of building
- €5000 excl. tax on average
- Price includes the cost of the auditor, an independent third party
commissioned and paid by CERTIVEA.