Ready2Services (R2S) Label

Ready2Services (R2S) is the bedrock of the ‘Digital’ family of labels. Its scope covers much more than just the building’s connectivity. It certifies that the building’s IT network is equipped to deliver digital services that create value for occupants, operators and owners.
The Ready2Services (R2S) label is designed for all non-residential property stakeholders in France, Europe and the rest of the world who are looking to promote the digital performance and operating systems of their buildings, whether new, renovated or in operation.
It is based on the R2S reference framework established in 2018 by the Smart Buildings Alliance (SBA), a CERTIVEA partner association comprising 460 companies active in the smart building and smart city sectors.
A second version of the scheme has been launched in June 2022. It addresses the challenges that have emerged since 2018 and draws on practical feedback from the first version.
Ready2Services plays a central role in the SBA’s activities and CERTIVEA’s ‘Digital’ family: the other reference frameworks developed by the SBA and the other digital label issued by CERTIVEA, R2S-4GRIDS, are all Ready2Services extensions.
A scheme for certifying the performance of IT networks
Buildings with an R2S label have one or more IT networks that meet the requirements of six complementary themes:
- Connectivity: characteristics of the building’s connection to cabled communication networks (optical fibre, cabling in building, etc.) and wireless (indoor coverage for mobiles, Wi-Fi and IoT…)
- Network architecture: characteristics and performance of the Smart Network that serves as the interface between the building’s equipment and services
- Equipment and interfaces: components that ensure the interoperability of IT systems and the integration of equipment connected to the building’s operational network.
- Digital security: IT system, network and interface security; protection of personal data
- Responsible management: project management and oversight, commissioning, framework for contracting digital services in the building, data ownership, etc.
- Digital services: offered to the building’s owners, operators and users (just one services extension to date: R2S-4GRIDS for managing energy performance).
A new version of Ready2Services in June 2022
The new version includes all feedback received and responds to new needs in the scheme’s six themes. This version is better suited than the first to labelling for buildings in renovation and in operation, and to labelling for campuses comprising a number of buildings.
It incorporates 5G-network coverage indoors, IOT (Internet of Things) and GPS tracking, along with new security and intrusion protection functionalities.
It also goes beyond the previous version in terms of the environmental impact of digital technology, the impact of user information on the building’s digital potential and the ability to transfer a labelled network to a new tenant or operator.
This new version will also soon be rounded off with certifications for services that verify third-party service compatibility with the label’s requirements.
A key issue: defining the scope of the IT network to be labelled
For the SBA and CERTIVEA, an IT network is a “Smart Network” that connects all of the building’s technical systems, rather than siloed IT networks where each one serves a single purpose.
Acting as the building’s digital backbone, the Smart Network relays the data gathered, including the services used by the building’s owners, operators and users.
For labelling, the client decides the scope of its Smart Network, with the Ready2Services scheme establishing a minimum and maximum performance level.
Five key principles for a digital services platform in plug & play mode
The Ready2Services label is based on five key principles that enable the building’s users and operators to access the digital services of their choice, without any restrictions or limitations.
- Three independent and separate layers within the labelled IT network (equipment, infrastructures and services): a service requires neither a specific equipment nor specific infrastructure
- Use of the IP (Internet Protocol) standard
- IT system interoperability via the use of internationally recognised standards and protocols and providing protection against the risk of obsolescence
- Use of open APIs (Applications Programming Interfaces) providing service developers with easy access to data
- IT security and legal protection of data: network, system and interface security and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliance
Ready2Services: When? How? What cost? What score?
Recommended phase for labelling entry
- Building under construction or in renovation: design phase
- Building in operation: labelling over a one or three-year period
Contact with a Referent recognised by CERTIVEA
- Recommended to use an expert well-acquainted with the label requirements
- 93 professionals are R2S Referents (number at 01-01-2022).
Contact with CERTIVEA during the labelling process
- Contact with your CERTIVEA correspondant by e-mail or phone
- From summer 2022, online contact via CERTIVEA’s new ISIA digital platform
Scoring scale
- Four levels ranging from basic (no star) to *** level (3 stars)
Communication on labelling
- Communication is possible on the labelling in progress
- At the end of the process, there is no time limit on communicating on the label issued by CERTIVEA, indicating the year obtained
Fees paid to CERTIVEA for the labelling process
- Depends on project and total surface area of building
- €12,750 excl. tax on average
- Price includes the cost of the auditor, an independent third party commissioned and paid by CERTIVEA.