R2S-4GRIDS Label

The R2S-4GRIDS label is the first extension of the Ready2Services (R2S) label issued by CERTIVEA, the bedrock of its ‘Digital’ family of labels. The R2S label certifies that your building is equipped for efficient and sustainable digital services and R2S-4GRIDS is an extension that confirms the building has high-quality services that can manage and improve its energy performance.
The R2S-4GRIDS label cannot be issued on its own: a building cannot obtain the R2S-4GRIDS label without first acquiring the R2S label.
R2S-4GRIDS is designed for all non-residential property stakeholders in France, Europe and worldwide who are looking to promote their buildings’ digital services, whether new, renovated or in operation, and to manage and optimise their energy consumption.
It is based on the R2S-4GRIDS reference framework established in 2020 by the Smart Buildings Alliance (SBA), an association comprising 460 companies active in the smart building and smart city sectors.
At the crossroads of the energy and digital transition, R2S-4GRIDS helps non-residential stakeholders implement several national and European regulations: the Smart Readiness Indicator, the “Eco Energie Tertiaire” non-residential energy-saving regulation and the BACS Decree (Building Automation and Control Systems) for automating and managing sources of energy consumption.
A scheme built around five complementary themes
Energy services:
Energy management: a table for tracking consumption, performance assessment, energy coaching and appropriate electricity tariffs, etc. for better and lower consumption
Energy flexibility: indoor temperature optimisation, consumption and local production forecasts and tools for assessing peak and off-peak fluctuations, etc., so that consumption can be adjusted to benefit from opportunities in the energy market
- Communication: interfaces and other tools for relaying data that can help to manage and improve energy efficiency
- Data: characteristics of the data needed (type, quality, etc.) to manage and improve energy efficiency
- Energy efficiency: measures to promote energy management and energy production (environmental performance targets, energy simulation, local and renewable energy production and own-energy consumption, etc.)
- Responsible energy management: involving stakeholders, workshops that recommend and raise awareness on building management and digital and energy commissioning, etc.
4GRIDS services certificate coming out soon
The digital services covered by the R2S-4GRIDS label require solutions that are marketed by a wide range of companies.
These companies need to show clients who may be considering R2S-4GRIDS that their solutions are compatible with the digital services covered by the label.
CERTIVEA will soon be able to meet to this need.
It will enable companies to check this compatibility and will issue a 4GRIDS services certificate certifying the compatibility of these solutions with the services and requirements of R2S-4GRIDS.
R2S-4GRIDS : When? How? What cost? What score?
Recommended phase for labelling entry
- Building under construction or in renovation: design phase, at same time as R2S labelling entry
- Building in operation: labelling over a one or three-year period
Appeal to a Referent recognised by CERTIVEA
Recommended to use an expert well-acquainted with the label requirements
93 professionals are R2S Referent (number at 01-01-2022).
Contact with CERTIVEA during the labelling process
- Contact with your CERTIVEA correspondant by e-mail or phone
- From summer 2022, on-line contact via CERTIVEA’s new ISIA digital platform
Scoring scale
- “Management”,
- “Flexibility”,
- “Management and Flexibility”
Communication on labelling
- Communication may be done on the labelling in progress
- At the end of the process, there is no time limit on communicating on the label issued by CERTIVEA, indicating the year obtained
Amount paid to CERTIVEA for the labelling process
- Depends on project and total surface area of building
- €6,000 excl. tax on average (considering that the building has already obtained the R2S label)
- Price includes the cost of the auditor, an independent third party commissioned and paid by CERTIVEA.