New policies in France and Europe

Incentive and obligation policies for construction and renovation
The major climate, energy, digital and societal transitions are leading the European Union and States to define and deploy public policies made up of incentives and obligations.
At the European Union level, the Green Deal aims to direct capital towards sustainable activities, making it possible to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. The alignment of real estate activities with the six criteria of the European Taxonomy is already a key issue for many stakeholders.
In France, three regulations have a major impact on buildings under construction and on the entire tertiary stock while obliging all stakeholders, public and private, to reduce energy consumption and the carbon footprint of buildings: the 2020 Environmental Regulation (RE2020), the Tertiary Eco Energy Regulation (tertiary decree) and the BACS Decree (Building Automation & Control Systems). All three aim to reduce energy consumption and the carbon footprint of buildings.
The State also provides financial assistance to renovate the public park through the Recovery France Plan.
New operating obligations
The operation of tertiary buildings is at the heart of performance, innovation, CSR, HR attractiveness, but also of European and national public policies.
In France, all buildings subject to the Eco Energie Tertiaire regulation (tertiary decree) must reduce their energy consumption, all uses combined, by at least 40% in 2030, 50% in 2040 and 60% in 2050, compared to their consumption during a year to be chosen between 2010 and 2020.
Resulting from a European regulation, the BACS decree calls for the installation, in tertiary buildings, of automation systems and control of energy consumption sources (heating, cooling, ventilation, production of domestic hot water or renewable energy).